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- Create user account
- Create organisation
- Add installation
- Connect Contao Manager
- Set up monitoring
- Video
To get started with trakked, you need a user account and an organisation. Once these two are set up, you can add your first installation and connect it to the Contao Manager or monitor it with our monitoring.
To use the full functionality of trakked, you need a current Contao Manager and your installation must run with Contao version 4 or 5.
Create user account
Go to the account creation page and enter the required data.
You will receive an email to the email address you provided. To complete the registration, open the message and click the link.
Create organisation
In the next step, you create an organisation and sign up for a subscription with us. If, contrary to expectations, trakked does not convince you, you can delete the organisation within the first 30 days, in which case you would not incur any costs.
Add installation
Now everything is ready to add your first installations to the organisation you just created. Click on the big green plus sign and add one or more installations.
If you want to assign an alternative name and labels when adding, we recommend that you create each installation individually. Of course, these details can also be changed, deleted or added later.
Connect Contao Manager
Select the installation and click on the tab "Configuration" or use the keyboard shortcut "K". After you have opened the accordion to the Contao Manager, you will see the link to the Contao Manager. When you click on "Connect", the Contao Manager opens in a new window and after logging in and successfully passing the system check, you have to allow access for our app.
After the successful connection with the Contao Manager, the Contao and PHP version will be displayed as a label. You can also view a list of all installed packages or update your installation.
Set up monitoring
If you have just connected to the Contao Manager, you are already in the "Configuration" tab, otherwise you need to open the tab as described above. In the monitoring accordion, you can enter the URL and the search term that are retrieved by our monitoring service in order to monitor the accessibility of your installation. If your website is not accessible, you will be notified by e-mail in the future.
If your website is down and you have not received an email, it may be because not enough time has passed since the interruption. Also, make sure that you have activated the notification for your organisation in your profile under "Settings > Notification".